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Decision-Making Mobile Platform for Peerfect

Peerfect is a startup who are fully invested in the future, innovation, and the digital world we live in. They are all about the idea of helping people make difficult social media decisions by using the help of the people.

What was the Problem?

People's need for an instant resolution of everyday doubts was noticed as an opportunity for a project like Peerfect. Social media plays a massive and important part of most of the world every day living. Everyone from celebrities, influencers, and even the girl or boy next door are looking for that one extra like, share, or view. Peerfect has just the solution for this but needed to get an app available for the people.

What was our approach?

By using our Leannoation framework, we have done Ideation and product concept, visual prototyping and focus groups testing, UX/UI design, full back-end and mobile development of the app as well as maintenance and scaling.

We launched with a test campaign in isolated markets (Southeast Europe), and received great and promising results immediately, proving our premise that the concept is catchy with consumers.


The results:

  • Spent $9,000 on user acquisition over a 3-week period
  • 32,000 app installs with 3 times lower CPI than the regional market benchmark
  • More than 15,000 polls published and more than 700,000 votes by users in this period
  • Top rankings on regional app store listings and overall awesome feedback and ratings from users

What was the end product?

We created an app that allows users to post up to 4 photos of pictures they are uncertain of and get relevant feedback from the anonymous worldwide community in no time. It would allow the users to experience a sleek, fun, interactive positive feedback towards their content. On the other hand, users can vote for other users and brand-generated polls and get various rewards for that.