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Product Growth

Growth Hacking

Growth Hacking is a new field related to marketing and a combination of marketing, automation, data, and tech. Growth hackers pursue sustainable growth and run many experiments in a process-based manner to grow and retain the userbase.

What is Growth Hacking?

Growth hacking is the use of cost-effective digital marketing strategies to achieve users' growth and retain active users, gain brand awareness, and increase your sales. Growth hacking is a data-driven approach and collection of smart digital marketing strategies.

Why Growth Hacking is important?

The digital ecosystem is a battlefield on which businesses are fighting to achieve a competitive advantage. There can be high-set targets, constraining budgets, very limited resources and a huge amount of competitors with advanced advancing tools and platforms. A conventional approach to digital marketing, user acquisition, and retention is no longer enough. The only way to survive is to be flexible, adapt and use Growth Hacking principles.

What is difference between Digital Marketing and Growth Hacking?

Traditional digital marketers’ goal is usually to lift brand awareness, get audience engagement (likes, comments) and get some vanity metrics (clicks, views, app installs). Growth Hacking involves lean experimentation across lots of marketing channels in a short span of time to try and find the most efficient ways to grow business as cost-effective as possible.

Growth hackers take every aspect of user sales funnel to find the best direction. They create new ways to acquire users and retain them at low-cost.

Growth hacking process

Behind any successful growth hacking activity is a structured and well-organized process that is focused on ongoing experimentation and learning. Whether you’re a startup or large organization, B2B or B2C, this process can be customized and adapted into an effective growth strategy.


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Zoltan Kovacs, Founder of Governance Compass

"Their proposals were high-quality and resulted in excellent deliverables, with the team developing a scalable and sustainable solution. Feedback around the UX was positive, while future iterations are currently in progress. The team worked smoothly, managing the project effectively at all times."

Zoltan Kovacs, Founder of Governance Compass

Omar Ajjoui, Founder of Huqooq

"Even before release, the software solutions have won awards and sparked interest among potential clients. CreaITive understands complex requirements and adapts to suit prevailing cultural norms. The agency's innovative ideas and collaborative approach have built a trusting partnership."

Omar Ajjoui, Founder of Huqooq

Neil Ford, Innovation Lead at Al Futtaim Group

"Good understanding of the challenges we face in Innovation – particularly at a corporate engagement level. Team are personable and knowledgeable. Preparation for workshops has been good. Output and feedback has been timely and insightful and can be put to use."

Neil Ford, Innovation Lead at Al Futtaim Group

Mazen Srage, Digital Marketing Manager at Modon

"A digital partner like Creitive is what every fluid organization needs. Our company is growing extremely fast and we needed someone to match our pace, and be able to pivot with us to address market opportunities. Their attitude to adapt and deliver quickly is exactly what we needed. Above all, the quality of their work and the strength of their digital knowledge has been a game changer for us. They didn't not compromise on the details under tight deadlines and were extremely strong on the ongoing communication with us."

Mazen Srage, Digital Marketing Manager at Modon

Borko Kovacevic, Chief Operating Officer at Microsoft Singapore

"All participants have been engaged and responsive in the workshops, leading to implementation in other markets. Creitive has been mindful of all requests and incorporates them well into original content. All deliverables were high quality and on schedule."

Borko Kovacevic, Chief Operating Officer at Microsoft Singapore

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